#YESIAMINC - Brand Your Self! — motivation
Michelle C
"What Success Looks Like" Season 2 Episode 1
Even though she has seen me through this journey here is something you don't know.. Shayna was starting her own business as a Career Coach and I was one of her first test clients.. She gave me a much needed push to hold my head up and ask for what I deserved in my career. That day changed the trajectory of my life and now we are both marching to our own passionate beats of life. Tune in as I describe trials and triumphs that led to success in empowerment branding, retail and cultural celebration while Shayna highlights the power...
Michelle C
There are days when I struggle and want to quit...
Michelle C
SUNDAY SERMON : Victoria Coker
My story: I always wanted to work in media and entertainment. Unfortunately, after my mom passed, I couldn’t follow my passion and had to get a “secure-job”. Three years later I was let go from my “secure job” because of the recession....
Michelle C
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