Chelle C
#IAM - She's a Naturalista!
Shouting Happy Birthday to our friend and customer Charmaine!! She absolutely SLLLAAAYYYEDDDD with her puff in her birthday outfit, which includes our #Napturalista Tee from our #Naturalista Collection. Check out her blog
Chelle C
#IAM - 🎶Every day I'm Hustling 🎶
As of late, I've been pushing my new #Naturalista collection on these NYC streets especially on my way to work. So I followed a few people today. Every kinky haired/frolicious chick who I saw and caught got a business card. No one said, "NO". Yea it is semi creep mode, but I call it hustling. We stopped in the Apple Store during lunch and I gave the customer service guy with the sexy beard a card. I have a shirt for him, too (#BeardLove). I left a few of Apple's display phones just like this, too. I don't care. As packed as it...
Chelle C
YES I AM INC was happy to be a sponsor for the Black Bloggers NYC event hosted by @AudreyCanBlog (Follow her on IG) in Harlem, NY. Our #IMATTER Tee was gifted to this lucky winner @Joannaen who is the co-creator of (@type4naturals). Congrats @Joannaen!! Be sure to check out her blog and check out our #IMATTER tee in the #SelfLove collection. The powerful message of this tee serves as a crucial reminder considering our current climate. We all matter, but it must be evident. #IAM #YESIAMINC
Chelle C
#IAM - Building a Brand Ain't Easy!
But it is worth it! Business 101: Always be ready! Yesterday was awesome and it did not come without a slight “hot mess” entrepreneur moment, but GOD was with me the entire time! Lesson 1: Put Yourself Out There:Last Thursday I decided that I should reach out to bloggers to do PR for my brand YESIAMINC. I tried my first ask, but honestly I didn’t know what I was doing. Lessons in business: Be ready to pitch and know what you need. Coincidentally, I was invited by @Victoria to attend the Black Blogger United NYC event as a guest on...
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